You have arrived at the Iowa Child Care Provider Training Registry web help. The help contents are displayed at the left categorized by the role or job category you have within the system. If you are a training organization manager or employee you will find helpful topics in the Training Organization category. Trainers will find topics of interest in the Trainers category and the Centers and Providers category will display the topics of most interest to Center Directors, Center Employees, and Child Care Providers. To learn more about the general use and search options of the Training Registry, see the Public Access section. |
The Search option is available if you know what you are looking for - try it out! Click on Search, type in your search text and hit Enter. You may want to start by reading About the Iowa Child Care Provider Training Registry. It is an overview of the system and contains information about the purpose, the intended audience and more. If you are having a problem using the Training Registry, read the Report a Problem page for assistance. To register for any of the trainings offered in the Training Registry, you will need to have a user account and be signed in. To learn more about creating an account, see the Training Registry Access and Account Setup page. Last updated July 1, 2011 |