Manage My Enrollments

After enrolling in a class, series or conference through the Training Registry, the organization sponsoring the training will receive notification and the status of the training can be tracked through the Manage Classes task.   Enrollment in a training must be approved by the Training Organization that is sponsoring the training.  You will receive an email to identify your status of enrollment.

Quick Steps:

  1. Sign in to the system using the link on the left navigation.

  2. Click the drop down arrow for Task and select Manage My Enrollments.

  3. Click the Training Title to view details about the training.

  4. Click Cancel to cancel the training enrollment.

  5. Click Un Enroll to withdraw from the training.

  6. Click Evaluate to complete the training evaluation.

Before you begin: Click the Sign In link on the left navigation.  Enter your user name and password.

The result: The Manage Account page displays

To manage your enrollments:

The result:  The Manage Enrollments page displays.

 By default, the View is set to display Current Classes.

Class Status



Enrollment has been approved.

Not Yet Approved

Enrollment is awaiting approval by training organization.


You have been placed on the Wait List for the training.


You have attended the training.

To change the view:

  1. Click to select from a list of View options.



Current Classes

Classes, Series and Conferences in which you are currently enrolled.

Past Classes

Past Classes, Series and Conferences in which you enrolled.

Cancelled Classes

Cancelled Classes, Series and Conferences in which you enrolled.

  1. Select Current Classes, Past Classes or Cancelled Classes to view trainings with the specific status.

To display the detailed information related to a specific training:

The result:  The Class Summary page displays.

To cancel an enrollment that has not yet been approved:

To un enroll from a training after it has been approved:

When you un enroll from a class within a series, you will automatically un enroll from the entire series including all classes within the series.

To evaluate a training attended:

  1. Click .

The result:  The Class Evaluation page displays.

  1. Complete the questions and click .

The result:  The Manage My Enrollments page displays.

Related Topics:

-Training Enrollment

-View Training History