
Home > Training Organization > Managing Account > TO - Manage Enrollment Approvals

TO - Manage Enrollment Approvals

Upon enrollment into a training through the Training Registry, the training organization will be responsible for managing the enrollment.  The enrollee will be notified whether they are approved for the training or their request has been denied based on the actions taken in TO - Manage Enrollment Approvals.  

Quick Steps:

  1. Sign in to the system using the link on the left navigation.

  2. Click the Task drop down and select TO-Manage Enrollment Approvals.

  3. Click the Paid check box if payment is required and the enrollee has paid.

  4. Click Enroll to approve the enrollment.

  5. Click Deny to deny the enrollment.

  6. Click the title of the training to view details.

Before you begin: Open and Sign In to the Iowa Child Care Provider Training Registry.  

The result:  The Manage Account page displays.

To manage enrollment approvals:

  1. Click to select a Task.

  2. Select TO - Manage Enrollment Approvals.

 The result:  The TO - Manage Enrollment Approvals page displays.

 You have the ability to approve enrollments for the trainings (classes, series and conferences) you have scheduled in the Training Registry.  To change who can handle the enrollment approvals for a training, click Manage Account, and select TO-Manage Classes, Conference or Series, click the name of the training, and click the   button.  

To view the enrollee information:

  1. Click the name of the enrollee .

The result:  The Current Job Categories popup window appears to display contact information for the enrollee.

  1. Click to close the popup window and return to the Enrollment Pending Approvals page.

To sort the enrollee information:

The result:  The list of enrollees will sort ascending based on the column heading you clicked.  The list will continue to first display based on the training categories.

To approve the enrollment of a class, conference or series:

  1. Click to indicate the enrollee has Paid if payment is required for the training.

  2. Click .

The result:  The Enrollment Pending Approvals page highlights the enrollee and displays the Approval Status as Approved and Enrolled.

 If the training is at capacity, the Approval Status will display a message to identify that this enrollee is on the Wait List. . The order in which you Enroll the enrollees will determine who is placed upon the waiting list.  To learn more about managing the Wait List - please see the topic TO - Manage Classes, TO - Manage Series, or TO - Manage Conferences.  A notification Email is automatically sent to the enrollee to inform him or her of the enrollment status.

To deny the enrollment of a class, conference or series:

The result:  The page refreshes to remove the enrollee.

To view the details about the class, conference or series:

  1. Click the title of the training.

The result:  The details for the training display on the Training Summary page.