Manage Batch Enrollment - Series

The Manage Batch Enrollment task is available for training organizations, primary providers, and center directors. This function allows the user to enroll multiple participants into the same training.  

After batch enrollment is complete, the training organization will approve the enrollments through the TO - Manage Enrollment Approvals task.  After enrollment approval, the class enrollments are managed through the TO - Manage Series task.

Quick Steps:

  1. Sign in to the system using the link on the left navigation.

  2. Click the Task drop down and select Manage Batch Enrollment.

  3. Search for a person or people to enroll into a training.

  4. Check the box(es) and click the Add Selected button to add the person(s) to the enrollment list.

  5. Check the box(es) and click the Select Training & Enroll button to identify the training.

  6. Search for the training that you want to enroll them into.

  7. Click the Enroll button or click the title of the training and then click the Enroll button.

  8. Check the Enroll box(es) and click the Enroll Selected button.

  9. Click Ok.

Before you begin: Open and Sign In to the Iowa Child Care Provider Training Registry.  

The result:  The Manage Account page displays.

To manage batch enrollment:

  1. Click to select a Task.

  2. Select Manage Batch Enrollment.

 The result:  The Manage Batch Enrollment page displays.

To search for existing Training Registry members:

  1. Do one or a combination of the following:

 Find more users by entering less detail.

  1. Click .

The result:  The person(s) that match the criteria entered display in the Search Results section of the page.  Make sure you select the correct person.

  If the person or people you are looking for do not display in your initial search, you can change your search criteria and click search or enroll those that you have found and repeat the process for the remaining users.

To enroll the person(s) from the Search Results into a Training:

  1. Click to put a check mark in next to the person's last name.

  2. Click .

The result:  The selected names display in the Enrollment List section.

  1. Click to put a check mark in next to the person's last name.

  2. Click .

The result:  The Search Trainings page displays.  

  1. Enter or select the search criteria needed to find the specific training.

 See the topic Search Trainings to learn more about the steps to search.

  1. Click .

The result:  The trainings that meet the criteria entered display in the Details section of the page.

  1. Click to place the person(s) selected during this process into the training selected.

 Click the Title of the training to view more information specific to the training.  Click from the Details page to enroll the person(s) selected into the training.

The result:  The Batch Enrollment Status Summary page displays identifying the Classes within the series.

 The user may not be able to enroll in the training if they have an overlapping commitment within the Training Registry.

If the Enrollment Status shows that the user is able to enroll then:

  1. Click to put a check mark in to select the person or persons.

  2. Click .

The result:  The Batch Enrollment Receipt page displays with a separate receipt for each enrollee.

 Click Print Enrollment Receipt to print a paper copy.

  1. Click to close the page and return to your Manage Account page  or Click to return to the Search Trainings page to find another training.

If there is not an open seat available in the training selected, the Enrollment Status Summary section of the Batch Enrollment Status Summary page will display a message that the training has reached capacity.  The Add to wait list option is then available to add the enrollee to the wait list.

To add the user to the wait list:

Related Topics:

-TO - Manage Series

-Manage Batch Enrollment - Classes

-Manage Batch Enrollment - Conferences

-TO - Manage Enrollment Approvals